...Continued from Letter from executive director

​Secular programs like these just mentioned and others from the public institutions to the private and posh “rehabs” have been proven through countless studies to be an ever revolving door for the addict with a national lifetime success rate of only 15%. Be the bush Ministries Crisis center is a two phase program based upon the Teen Challenge model which can claim an 86% lifetime success rate for its graduates.

 BTB Recovery Ministries is governed by love, Tough Love. It is not always easy, soft love. At times, this love is demonstrated by staff members confronting you with things you don't want to hear. They are willing to risk temporary rejection because it is for your ultimate good.

 Our goal is not to pacify you or to try to make you happy, but rather to teach you how to live and walk with God. The Bible teaches that a happy, blessed life is a by-product of a right relationship with God.

Upon entering BTB Recovery Ministries, you will soon discover it is not the perfect place nor is it full of perfect, easy-to-get-along-with people. There are 8 to 12 students in the program and most of them have as many problems, bad habits, and defense mechanisms as you do. However, there is no better place to develop inter-personal skills and to grow in patience and love (which are Godly Virtues) than here at BTB Recovery Ministries.

BTB Recovery Ministries is the long-realized dream of several individuals who had a heart and desire to provide a way to those in the bondage of addiction to change their lives forever. As the director of this program, I am a former addict whose life was changed forever through the national program, Teen Challenge.

 Now a credentialed minister, my goal is to share with as many people as possible that no matter how close to the bottom one finds themselves, there is a God who will reach down and wrap them in His ever loving arms. I am living proof that the love and grace of God is available to “whosoever will”. If God can use a man like me he can use a man like you. If God can use a bush in exodus 3, he can use the RECOVERED addict.

 Let us teach you how to get in the presence of the almighty so you can “Be The Bush” and become a vessel on fire for the kingdom. Free from a life of bondage and addiction!

Caleb McCall

Executive Director

“Be The Bush Ministries Recovery Ministries"

What We Do

  • bible with cross

    Biblical Based Classes

  • work checklist- to do

    Work Therapy

  • praying hands

    Community Outreach

  • growing love heart in hand
